I am a little behind but wanted to post these valentine pictures just as a reminder to ourselves of what kind of a week it was. It seemed like the kids celebrated non-stop. We dipped chocolates, made cookies, decorated boxes, made cards, dipped more chocolates...and then, Brooklyn got sick on friday and couldn't even go to school for her own party (so sad) so I wanted to post the darling box that she made.
Then Saturday morning (Valentines), we woke up to lots and lots of snow. Chad borrowed our friends four wheeler with a snow plow on the front and he and Colin shoveled out the entire neighborhood. When Brooklyn saw them she said, "mom, is that what you got dad for valentines?", I wish! So after a day of playing in the snow and me and the kids making cookies Chad and I went on a date. We ate at a not so nice, Mexican resturant and then went to Home Depot. Now before you go blaming Chad for this romantic date, you should know, it was all my idea!