Friday, January 30, 2009

We are always protected because spiderman lives at our house. He fights venom because his webs are "black and creepy" and as you can see, this can be pretty exhausting. If you need a little extra security at your house, let me know. Batman and a green power ranger are known to show up from time to time also.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Big Reveal

I have always wanted to blog so with the inspiration of family, friends and even some people I have never met, here goes. This is more for me than you so please don't be too critical. I am critical enough for us both.

I was reading a blog today and my boys were wondering why I was sitting at the computer, crying. Well, moms do that. I just have a lot to be grateful for and with our impending layoff in July and an economy that is ever spiraling down, down down, I realized, I have every thing I could ever want. I am a wife of the ever dashing Chad. Handsome, honest, full of integrity and too funny for his own good. I am the mother of three beautiful children. Lively, innocent and full of something I can't mention here. Yes, there are some days (Why is the floor wet again? No, that is not just a skid mark. Didn't we just clean up all the toys? Mom, this dinner looks like vomit), when I click my heals together three times and wish to momentarily be whisked away to a tropical island but when I open my eyes, here I am and...there really is no place like home.