I have always wanted to blog so with the inspiration of family, friends and even some people I have never met, here goes. This is more for me than you so please don't be too critical. I am critical enough for us both.
I was reading a blog today and my boys were wondering why I was sitting at the computer, crying. Well, moms do that. I just have a lot to be grateful for and with our impending layoff in July and an economy that is ever spiraling down, down down, I realized, I have every thing I could ever want. I am a wife of the ever dashing Chad. Handsome, honest, full of integrity and too funny for his own good. I am the mother of three beautiful children. Lively, innocent and full of something I can't mention here. Yes, there are some days (Why is the floor wet again? No, that is not just a skid mark. Didn't we just clean up all the toys? Mom, this dinner looks like vomit), when I click my heals together three times and wish to momentarily be whisked away to a tropical island but when I open my eyes, here I am and...there really is no place like home.
I look at a lot of blogs that make me cry and hold Sierra a little tired. It does help you realize you are very lucky to have what you have when you see what others are going through. I didn't know Chad might get laid off. Scary! Apparently that area is notorious for lay offs! :)