Yesterday was Chad's birthday and if you don't know what a great guy he is, I am going to tell you.
First of all he has a wicked sense of humor. I mean wicked because if you don't know he is kidding, you might be a little upset. It has taken me years to figure out that he is kidding about 98 percent of the time. He has quick wit and comes up with stuff so quickly and seriously that I still fall for his antics sometimes.
He's about the handiest guy I have ever met and still am amazed at the thing he can do. I am always wondering, "where did he learn to do that?" There is nothing he can't do.
He is earnest and full of integrity. If he says he is going to do something, he is going to do it and do it right and then some.
He is always helping people. Seriously, I should charge rent. He is always happy to help anyone and NEVER complains...and I mean about anything.
He is the best dad in the whole world. The kids love it when Dad is home. They wrestle, play the Wii and of course they play every sport. He even plays Boogie Super Star with Brooklyn which includes a lot of singing and dancing (very hilarious).
It isn't uncommon for Chad to be in the yard playing football, basketball or some made up game called attack with the entire neighborhood. Neighbor kids knock on the door to see if Chad can play.
He takes very good care of us all and in his quiet way, is the most unselfish person. In fact, I often wish he was a little more selfish of his time with me ;).
I could go on and on about how strong, handsome....but I will spare anyone reading this. I know it's going to be hard not to be jealous but in addition to all these thing, he is very adorable. Flannel and all.